Oak Class

Oak Class is home to our Year 2,3 and 4 children and is taught by Miss Cameron with support from Miss Henry, Mrs Pickard and Mrs Murdoch. 

As part of the whole school topic on the Wider World, this half term we will be learning all about China.

This unit of work will teach the children about the geography of China through
focusing on the main human and physical features of the country, extending children’s knowledge of the world. Children will learn about the geographical similarities and differences between China and the United Kingdom. Children continue to build on their map skills using atlases, world maps and globes more widely, along with online mapping programmes and interpreting a
range of information.

In English, we will be reading Varmints by Helen Ward.

Once, the only sounds to be heard were the buzzing of bees in the grass, the murmuring of moles in the earth, and the song of birds in the sky. These warmed the hearts of those who cared to listen – until the others came to fill the sky with a cacophony of noise. With dramatically lit artwork and a spare, intriguing text, Varmints tells of a pastoral world in need of protection and of the souls who love it enough to ensure its regeneration.



Oak Class PE is on a Wednesday morning. Children should come to school dressed in their PE kit each Wednesday. We also have additional PE sessions with our sports specialists on the following dates:

Thursday 6th June

Thursday 20th June

Thursday 4th July

Spellings are on a Monday morning. Children should ensure they have their red spelling book with them each Monday. Spelling practice activities can be found here: spelling activity ideas or accessed online the Purple Mash website.

Spelling lists for Summer term can be found here:

Group 1 Spelling List Summer Term

Group 2 Spelling List Summer Term

Group 3 Spelling List Summer Term

Group 4 Spelling List Summer Term

Children should also be familiar with the Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Word List (words which are used frequently but do not necessarily follow the spelling patterns which they have already learnt) and the Year 3 and 4 Statutory Spelling List (a mixture of words which children use frequently in their writing and those which are often misspelt).

Reading books can be changed every day, as long as a comment is recorded in reading records by the child or their adult at home.

Children can practise their times tables at home by accessing the Times Tables Rockstars website.

More information about home learning expectations can be found here: Home learning ideas

Our Local Area

Following on from our walk around our local landmarks back in November, Oak Class returned to Old Spring Woods this May to see the spectacular bluebells on display. What a wonderful sight to behold and so nice to see our local area across the different seasons!


Useful Websites

  Your School Games - BBC BitesizeTwinkl Visual Communication Cards | Waiting RoomDKfindout! A free online encyclopedia for children - YouTube