Oak Class is home to our Year 2,3 and 4 children and is taught by Miss Cameron with support from Miss Henry, Mrs Pickard and Mrs Murdoch.
This half term our topic is Our Local Area!
In our Geography lessons, we will be using fieldwork to explore and study our local area, recording data about it and suggesting ways in which we could change or improve the area.
Our English lessons this term will be inspired by our PSHE topic “One World” in which we will learn about the lives of children in other parts of the world and compare them with our own. This topic covers theme of diversity and in our English lessons, we will be exploring this theme further through the following texts:
Oak Class PE is on a Wednesday morning. Children should come to school dressed in their PE kit each Wednesday. We also have additional PE sessions with our sports specialists on the following dates:
Thursday 6th March
Thursday 20th March
Thursday 3rd April
Spelling tests are on a Monday morning. Children should ensure they have their red spelling book with them each Monday. Spelling practice activities can be found here: spelling activity ideas or accessed online the Purple Mash website.
Spelling lists for Spring term can be found below:
Yellow Group Spelling List Spring Term
Blue Group Spelling List Spring Term
Green Group Spelling List Spring Term
Red Group Spelling List Spring Term
Paper copies of these have been handed out to children. Please check their bags for these. Each week, children will also be given a paper copy of the Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check worksheet to help them to practise their spellings at home.
Children should also be familiar with the Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Word List (words which are used frequently but do not necessarily follow the spelling patterns which they have already learnt) and the Year 3 and 4 Statutory Spelling List (a mixture of words which children use frequently in their writing and those which are often misspelt).
Reading books can be changed every day, as long as a comment is recorded in reading records by the child or their adult at home.
Children can practise their times tables at home by accessing the Times Tables Rockstars website.
More information about home learning can be found here: Home learning ideas
Our Local Area
We have been exploring our local area more this year, by visiting Brimham Rocks to take part in exploration and writing activities. We worked with staff from Word Up North, the organisation who runs the Ilkley Literature Festival, and staff from the National Trust to create nature poems within the landscape at Brimham, inspired by our journey through the rocks.