Ribble Class is home to our Reception and Year 1 children and is taught by Mrs Roy on Mondays – Wednesdays and Mrs Evans on Thursdays and Fridays. Additional support is also provided by Mrs Murdoch and Miss Robinson throughout the week.
Learning is fun in Ribble and we blend the important elements of play with the more formal expectations associated with children as they grow up.

Each term we enjoy focusing our learning through different topics such as ‘Wonderful Weather’ ‘On Safari’ and ‘Kings and Queens’. We read lots of stories connected to our topic which help us to explore characters, inspire our imaginations and help create our own stories. We do lots of work on learning new phonemes to help us read and many of our activities are inspired by these sounds to make sure we are learning them as we play.

Maths is taught each day and we encourage development of concepts through practical application.
We are passionate about giving children exciting and memorable events to embed their learning. When learning about Kings and Queens we enjoyed a Medieval Banquet, where we ate, sang, danced and played games. In RE we acted out a Christian Wedding and a Jewish Wedding. We loved dressing up! In Science we have loved exploring seasonal changes and done experiments with different materials.
In our school we use the Twinkl Phonics scheme to develop phonics and promote early reading. In Key Stage 1 we continue with Twinkl and combine this with a variety of engaging texts from various reading schemes.
We expect all children to learn their sounds and read their reading book regularly. Please write in your child’s planner when you have heard them read.
Spellings are set weekly for Yr 1 children and are tested on Fridays.
We encourage maths fluency by using the online maths platform Numberbots. The children are given personal login details which enables them to access this tool from home and school.
Every day your child needs to bring their book bag with reading book and reading record/planner in. Each time you read at home, please make a note in the reading record book.
Your child should come to school with a filled water bottle and please provide a fruit or vegetable snack for afternoon playtime. It can be a dried fruit snack but please no biscuits or crackers.
Our PE days are Monday and Thursday. Please ensure your child wears their PE kit for school on this day. Long hair needs to be tied back for PE days, and earrings taken out.