Wharfe Class


Please read with your child as often as possible – every night would be preferable. Even if your child enjoys reading independently, it is important to hear them read at least once per week to ensure that they are engaging with the text. Each child has a reading record, which should be filled in weekly. I have asked the children to write a short comment about their current book. However, if you child finds this hard, they can tell you what is happening and you could scribe it for them. I will collect the reading records on a Wednesday and make a short comment. 

The children also have access to the Reading Plus program. While we do use this in school, they can also login at home to help improve their reading further. Each child has their own login and password. Please let me know if you require a password reminder.



Sessions take place on Monday mornings, so please make sure you have your kit in school.

PE kit must be clean and consist of a white t-shirt, black shorts and school pumps/trainers.

As P.E will take place outside most of the time, please make sure that you have suitable clothing for colder weather. 


Children will be given a spelling booklet with their weekly spellings.

Spelling tests will be on Wednesday mornings. 

Just a note for new parents – the spellings may seem hard at first, but we will be looking at them together in class and once broken down into sections they do become easier.

My recommendation is that I would aim to be practicing spellings for about 10 minutes per evening, five days a week. Learning two new spellings each day and recap the previous days words. 

Times Tables

As a federation, we have created a new method of ensuring children learn their times table facts, with a focus on instant recall. This is supported by the use of TTRS. 


Children in year 4 will need to take a statutory times table test, answering questions up to 12 x 12. 


Other Online Maths Games

TTRS – This is a great online maths game that all of the pupils have their own login for. It not only encourages them to become better and mental maths, but focuses on the instant recall of times table facts.

This is an interactive game we use in class to support the children’s learning of times tables, but it also has games centered around doubles, halves and number bonds! It is compatible with the I-pads too! just click the link – Hit The Button 

Here is another great website, just click on your year group and the current maths topic of number and place value to see all of your targets and some great interactive games. I’ve shown the children this so they should know what they are looking for. – Snappy Maths


Homework is an essential aspect of school life. It is designed to enhance the children’s learning that takes place during the day and helps consolidate and secure understanding. Every week children should complete the following tasks:

– Complete a page in your reading record to describe they have been reading. 

– Weekly spelling words. Each pupil has a spelling booklet with supporting material. 

– Complete maths practice on TTRS and in Maths CPG Booklet

Please help your child as much as you can and if you get stuck please contact Mr Howarth and he will help you help your child.

Optional Homework Tasks

If you would like additional homework tasks for your child related to our class topics, please ask Mr Howarth!

We will  

Welcome to Wharfe Class’ Page

In Wharfe class, our year 4,5, and 6 children are taught by Mr Howarth. 


Maths lessons take place daily second session. Our maths sessions are fun and interactive and focused on learning and problem solving. We use White Rose Maths as our spine for learning and support this with other exciting material to extend our learning and challenge our minds!


Literacy lessons are separated into three skills: reading, writing and grammar. We use our reading skills to discover more about our topics and our grammar and writing skills to show our understanding. This half term we will be reading ‘Leila and the Blue Fox‘ to inspire our writing around exploration and discovery. We will also be writing our own 500 word stories to enter into the BBC children’s writing competition. 



Topic Lessons

Our topic lessons are either focused on a History or a Geography topic. This half term our topic is Mapping. We will be looking in detail at maps and learning how to read compass points, plot grid references, recognise OS map symbols and using maps of our local area to plan routes. 

Science Lessons

In science lessons this term we are focusing on Light. We will be learning about how light travels and enables us to see. We will also be thinking about refraction and reflection and even building our own periscopes. 

Music Lessons

We have weekly Violin lessons – Wednesday afternoons!