Rowan Class is taught by Miss Anne Robertson on Mondays and Tuesdays and Miss Catherine Barnes on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Our teaching assistant is Miss Becks Brown.
Think Positive
This half term in PSHE, we will explore concepts such as thinking happy to feel happy, growth mindset, individual choices, ambitions, letting thoughts and feelings out, being thankful and being mindful.
This term, our focus in Year One is Multiplication and Division. We will be exploring counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and using this knowledge to make and add equal groups and create arrays.
In Reception, our focus this term is to create and understand numbers to and beyond 20. We complete lots of engaging activities to help support us with our learning.
In Literacy, we are looking at the text The Magic Bed. The Year 1 children are continuing to build stamina within their writing and building on their independence. Our main focus throughout Year 1 is to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops within sentences without needing to be reminded.
Reception’s focus this half term is to write simples sentences using full stops and capital letters.
We follow the Twinkl Phonics Scheme which provides us with a structured base for phonics learning. In Rowan class we complete lots of engaging activities to support our learning of phonics.
For the ‘air’ we sorted out the washing and made lots of ‘pairs’ of socks.
The children have phonics folders and reading books to take home each day which support them in their learning of new sounds,
Our half term topic is Travel and Transport in History. In Rowan class we have topic blocks which means we focus on one subject in the afternoons for a week or two.
So far this half term, we have started our History block where we are learning about the development of travel and transport throughout history. We will consolidate the children’s understanding of chronology through using timelines and making comparisons.
In art this term, we will be focussing on our creating sculptures and building on our knowledge.
In Science we will be learning about the five types of animals. We will classify animals according to their group and learn about the different diets animals eat.
Forest School
We are looking forward to getting outside and enjoying Forest School sessions this half term.
Up in the forest school area we have a mud kitchen, den building and gardening equipment and loads of lovely trees and shrubs to explore and find minibeasts within!
Good to Know
Each child has a home reading book and reading record to take home. These are changed on a Monday after every child reads to an adult in class. If the children read three times or more at home in a week they’re rewarded with a ‘champ’ ticket which goes into a price draw.
In Rowan class we do P.E on Wednesday afternoons. The children come to and from school in their P.E kits.
The Year 1 children have their weekly spelling tests on a Friday.