
01423 780234


01423 780446

School Day

8.50am – Children arrive and go straight to class

8.55am –   Registration

9.00am –   First lesson

10.30am – Break

10.45am – Second lesson

12.30pm –   Lunch

1.30pm –   Registration and assembly

1.45pm –   Third lesson

2.30pm –   Break (key stage 1 and FS)

2.40pm –   Last lesson

3.30pm –   Close

Parents are permitted to drop their children off at school from 8.50am.  The school day starts officially at 8.55am and finishes at 3.30pm offering 32.5 hours of education per week (or 1,267.5 hours per year).  Should you need to speak to a member of staff then please contact the office and they will arrange a convenient time to meet.

When parking outside school please be considerate of local neighbours and consider turning your engine off and your radio volume down.  Parents are encouraged to park away from the schools and walk to school to drop off and pick up their children as often as they can.